Monday, August 4, 2014

My first Chino XL cover!!!!

Open Mic Night at Bogo Biri: "Ghetto Vampire" and "Riiiot"

If you are looking for some entertainment on a thursday night in Lagos city, Nigeria, bring yourself over to Bogo Biri (website HERE), which is a Boutique hotel with restaurants, a bar, art exhibits, and best of all, "Open Mic Night" on thursday evenings where they play host to musicians, comedians, and poets.

I've been meaning to perform "Riiiot" by Chino XL and Ras Kass for a while now and finally got my opportunity last thursday, july 31st. In my opinion, it's one of the most impressive lyrical collaborations in rap music. The folks at Rap Genius did a great job adding the lyrics to their website and you can check it out right HERE. You can also listen to the full song HERE

I had a blast doing this and look forward to doing other songs from my favorite artists. I got my eye on "Water" by Aesop Rock which is as TOUGH as it gets!!