Friday, February 14, 2014

Three years late, but still; "Holocene" by Boniver

You simply have to have someone to hold while listening to "Holocene" by American Indie Rock Band Boniver. It is one of the most soul stirringly romantic songs of our time

If your heart and mind can find a way to break free from the hypnotic guitar strings, you will catch what for me are the stand out lyrics from the smooth, ethereal crooning of lead singer Justin Vernon;

"And at once I knew I was not magnificent
Hulled far from the highway aisle
(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
I could see for miles, miles, miles"

The effect is damn near spiritual, like the meditative state of Tibetan monks. A translation was provided by the lyric website Rock Genius:

"Justine Vernon suddenly realizing his insignificance once again. Away from the hustle and bustle of Urban life (as represented by the highway), he now only sees frozen isolation. He sees trees and nature that seems to only go on and on, and is in complete wonder of it. 

Because of the beauty and vastness of his surroundings, he realizes he is not "magnificent" and is just a small piece of the world's puzzle."

For me, that explanation couldn't hit closer to home. It is part of my instagram bio, which reads;

"Maculate conception in the nostalgic womb of the 80s. Fascinated by humankind's grandoise sense of self, encapsulated within reality's insignificance."

Whether you are single or part of a couple, enrich your day by listening to "Holocene" by Boniver. Better yet, buy the self titled album "Boniver."