Monday, February 4, 2013

A Family Debates Sexism in the Church

This occurred earlier today between three siblings in a instant messenger chat room which the family uses via mobile phone to keep in touch. Rotus (yours truly) took one side, while Orhie and Ovie took the other:

Orhie: Tweet from @BBCBreaking: Justin Welby - @ABCJustin - confirmed new Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of 80m Anglicans around the world [Web link]

Rotus: The sexism of the church continues.

Orhie: This has nothing to do with sexism. He was appointed a while ago has been confirmed today. They're still trying to resolve the issue of appointing women as Bishops. Once they finalise it, there'll be female Bishops and then one can be appointed one day as ArchBishop of Canterbury.

Rotus: Why is this an **issue** in the first place? Why haven't female bishops in leadership positions been part of the Church's history?

Ovie: Because men have dominated all part of human history

Rotus: Thank you. Including their interpretation of a woman's place in the church passed off as coming from a so-called "divine" source. I rest my case

Ovie: Why haven't asked why there aren't many women in the National Assembly? Or why there are so few women that head governments?

Orhie: I don't understand your intransigence about the Church. You pick on it over EVERYTHING. There is sexism EVERYWHERE, in the workplace, in the police force, everywhere. The Church is at least, trying to resolve its issues. You're acting like sexism started 1st in the Church. You're don't believe in Christ, that's your entitlement. But it's wrong to continually pick on the Church every single day.

Ovie: Whether women head or don't head the Church is irrelevant. God used both sexes as He pleases to carry out His work

Orhie: Nigeria has never had a female Governor, let alone President. Even America the 'land of the free and the home of the Brave' has never had a female President. So why this constant picking on the Church?

Ovie: I tire oh. You don't like the Church and that's fine. But don't use things that are general and common place and make it out like the Church is the only offender

Orhie: But the Church did not start sexism, did it??

Ovie: Iv never heard you complain about sexism in any other place apart from the Church or Islam

Orhie: You just said 'a woman's place in the Church'; what about elsewhere? Did the Church decide women were 2nd class elsewhere too?? You're just using your prejudices to heap blame on the Church for things it had nothing to do with. And that's not fair.

I remember you telling Batarhe (a cousin) at Rume's (another cousin) wedding about how I don't cook and you acted like it was a really big thing [Editor's note: This isn't what occurred.]. If you're such a Champion of equal rights for women, why do you see it as a big deal that I don't cook?

You should eschew such traditional roles if you're such a proponent of equality of the sexes.

Rotus: As Lawyers, you both shouldn't introduce red herrings or straw men to distract from the crux of a point you're trying to put forward. It's poor form.

That you cannot logically infer the sweeping presence/agenda of patriarchy in religion, as you've alluded to in other parts of society, and it's denigration of the position that it's the will of a "divine" source, then you're just in denial and being emotive which faults your case.

Let's swap patriarchy for tribalism since you clearly don't get it (which is laughable); If Urhobo (Southwestern Nigerian tribe) people ran the govt, ran the private sector, and then claimed that the "bible" said urhobo people are the dominant tribe in all religious institutional affairs, then whose agenda is being promoted; God, or the Urhobos?

Please, you're adults, the writing on the wall is too clear to even pretend to deny it. That's disingenuous.

Ovie: You like to skip peoples points. I think you're the one in denial. You just don't like the Church. You're never objective in your arguments when it comes to the Church. Why does sexism in Church mean so much to you? Why not sexism in other parts of society?

Rotus: You don't hear me saying "You like church" as if to highlight a bias to aid my argument. #FAIL I'm simply raising gaping holes in your argument which you cannot defend head on. If you tried that in court, you'd get your clock cleaned by the opposing counsel.

Ovie: All your arguments are duds if you ask me. You go no were with them.

Rotus: Using "other parts of society" is an incredibly **weak** excuse to justify sexism in church because the so-called "divine" source shouldn't have a biased mentality towards one sex. If you can't see that, then you've lost before you even attempt to formulate a point to defend yourself

Ovie: If the women were continuously put down in Church and not allowed to do anything then I would see your point. But as it is women are free serve God and work in the Church. So all your 'talk' is negated. One can use examples to buttress their points. You just like to run around them and make it seem like such examples are pointless. You have no case against the Church. You choose to see the Church from one view point and you've convinced yourself that no matter what other people say its irrelevant. Your views are right and no other persons opinions or arguments matter. Whatever rocks your boat

Rotus: Looks like you guys have given up. Didn't even have the courtesy to address my analogy with the Urhobo tribe. Typical. All I've heard is "Why don't you point fingers elsewhere?" as if "elsewhere" like the National Assembly, operates under guidance from a so-called "divine" source that is supposed to be above sexism. 

Again, if you can't see the failure of the equivalence you're trying to present between "God" and the corrupt, inept national assembly, then you're lost in the woods. The point is - and pay attention here - the doctrine of the church is supposed to be above the failings of society with regard to sexism, racism, xenophobia, etc. To make the argument that one should question other parts of society where such similar deplorable attitudes exist is to make the church subversive to patriarchy when it should be the other way around. 

I feel for you guys though. It's a really difficult proposition to accept a belief system that you've been raised to think is perfect, then be confronted with realities that glaringly contradict this false idea of perfection and then be stuck running around in circles trying to defend the indefensible. My condolences

Ovie: Christianity is perfect. Accept my condolences for not accepting christ. You're missing out. There is no sexism in the church. Say what you want but you've lost even before you started.

Rotus: Yes, Christianity is perfect, thanks.