Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Where o where did my summer go?

"How quickly we forget." responded the summer. "You left me by the shrubs, near the pier where the Ann Arbor children play, when, in a fit of anger, you stormed off when the genetically engineered post-nightclub waffle taste testing butterflies you created didn't have the reflectors on their wings that displayed your image for all who they flew by to see."

"What do you mean by 'we'?" replied Titilayo. "You are not one of my kind. I am a human, you are nothing more than a seasonal affair."

Summer shook its head, dejected. "And that, young lady, is another reason I have left unannounced. Your

 unwillingness to proffer egalitarianism between man and season will forever keep our relationship temporary. I bid you farewell, until 2013."

And with that, summer was gone, leaving behind tearful shrubs as they sadly waved goodbye, then flipped through Gap™ catalogs in preparation for another temporary meeting; this time, with the Fall.